Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 58 ~ September 27, 2010

HE'S HOME!!!!! It's been very hard to keep it a secret, but Zach came home today! We've anxiously been awaiting his arrival and I'm so glad the baby waited until his daddy could be here for his birth. Zach's flight got into Peoria around 2:30 this afternoon. I went over with his mom and my sister-in-law, Stephanie, to pick him up! He was so excited to see his puppies and they greeted him with just as much enthusiasm.

I didn't sleep well last night because I was excited about him coming home. I was also restless because he was traveling and I hadn't talked to him much over the past few days. After his flight got in, he came home and took a shower and then we ran some errands in Macomb. Then we came back home and picked up the puppies and went out to his parents' house for dinner and to play some cards. We had a great evening with his family.

Now that he is home, this baby boy can come anytime he wants. It would be great if he came on his own, but it's nice to know that I'll be induced on Thursday night and he'll be here by Friday if not before. The next few days Zach and I will be enjoying our last bit of time together as just the two of us. After Friday, our lives will never be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! This warms my heart! I'm so glad he's back for the birth. HEre's hoping your little one comes on his own ;)
