Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 53 ~ September 22, 2010

The last of the baby stuff arrived on my front porch via UPS this morning! This adorable swing was the last "big" item that we needed to get for the nursery. It's a Fisher Price Lil Lamb Swing. It features 6 different speeds, 8 different soothing sounds, a rotating mobile, and a mirror for visual stimulation. It swings front to back and side to side. I'm so excited to let my little boy try it out!

I spent some time in the nursery this evening organizing and putting away clothes. He has 30 sleepers ranging from newborn to 6-9 months! I arranged everything in his closet by age so it will be easier to pick out his outfits everyday and not have to look at the size tags. I spent time last week organizing the onesies in his dresser by age so that's all ready to go. I guess this would be considered "nesting" but in a mild form. I haven't felt the need to scrub things down with a toothbrush (yet!) so I don't think I've experienced true nesting.

The contractions have pretty much stopped. I have had a few throughout the day today, but I guess that's just part of being 38 weeks pregnant. I'm hoping he holds out until his daddy comes home next week, but I guess we'll see. Tomorrow is a full moon and I've heard stories of how a full moon can cause a woman to go into labor so I'm a little nervous about that. I'm physically ready for the baby to come, but I really want the support of having my husband by my side. I would hate for him to miss the birth of our first child. Stay put, little boy, at least for a few more days!

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