Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 55 ~ September 24, 2010

Not a great one, but today's picture is of a movie case from the movie store. I went over to my friend Crystal's apartment and hung out with her, Brittney, Lindsey and Lisa all with whom I used to live in Thompson Hall. We hung out and talked for a little while and then went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. Then we rented "The Bounty Hunter" and went back to Crystal's apartment to watch it. It was so great to spend one last weekend hanging out with my friends, baby-free.

I say this is my last weekend being baby-free because I got exciting news at my 38 week appointment this afternoon. My progress was minimal, but it was still positive change from last week. I am now 1 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and the doctor said he could touch the baby's head! My blood pressure was right where it should be, and I've still only gained approximately 26 lbs. My belly measured right at 38 weeks, so that's perfect too!

I asked my doctor a few weeks ago if it would be possible to induce my labor a few days early so that Zach has more time to spend with the baby while he's home on leave. He told me that he would have no problem inducing me in my 39th week. Well, I will be 39 weeks on Wednesday, the 29th. I asked my doctor if he would induce me the night of the 30th (after our last night of prenatal classes) so that we would have the baby on the 1st. He said that he could probably do that for us! Yay! I'm so excited! So, we have our last appointment on Thursday, the 30th and I will be checked again. As long as things are still progressing and I haven't gone backwards, we will be induced that night after our class and have our beautiful baby boy on Friday! I'm very excited that Zach will get to be here for the birth of our first child and he'll get to spend some time with our little boy before he has to leave again.

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