Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 26 ~ August 26, 2010

Today's picture isn't very exciting, but it's of the rawhide bones I bought for my dogs today. They absolutely LOVE rawhides. I like to give them something like this to chew on every so often to help keep their teeth clean. Rawhides are also a wonderful babysitter. All I have to do is give them each a rawhide bone, make sure they have water and keep them in my sight. Then I'm free to do whatever I need/want to do without dogs right at my feet and without worrying what they're getting in to. These were two separate rawhides that they chewed one end off of. They started out as 9" and are now about 4".

Today was also the first night of my actual childbirth classes. They break it up into 4 weeks and each week they discuss a different stage of labor (L.A.T.E=Latent, Active, Transition, Expulsion). Tonight we discussed the first stage of labor, the Latent stage. It was really informative and the nurse (the instructor) made it very easy to understand by using simple visuals like lifesavers and marshmallows. I'm looking forward to next week's class already!


  1. Does that mean that you're going to be pushing a marshmallow out of your life saver? ;)

  2. Haha, the marshmallow and the lifesaver were actually both supposed to represent the cervix and how it effaces and opens.
